Bio 1100 亚矿物过滤器數量退货和退款政策Waters NZ Ltd 的换货政策是,如果您对购买的产品不满意,Waters NZ 会将您的产品换成您选择的另一种产品,如果购买的产品更大,则客户始终需要支付运费和差价比第一次或购买的金额。上门销售的商品可在七日内退货,或任何被视为制造商故障或故障的商品将被换货或退款。这是唯一一次提供退款,或者我们有义务根据 1993 年消费者保障法退款。 NOTE: Water Quality/filter components per countryYour water quality and water filter components will vary per country.Please contact us directly: for a more detailed breakdown for the filter components for your country. NOTE: Water Quality/filter components per countryYour water quality and water filter components will vary per country.Please contact us directly: for a more detailed breakdown for the filter components for your country. NOTE: Water Quality/filter components per countryYour water quality and water filter components will vary per country.Please contact us directly: for a more detailed breakdown for the filter components for your country.